Attention: Female Survivors You've waited long enough - don't wait any longer

Submit a free claim review now - our specially trained support team is ready to help you get the justice you deserve.

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woman frustrated sitting on couch

Prison System Abuses

The U.S. prison system has been systematically plagued by sexual abuse for decades, particularly at NY correctional facilities for women.

Inmates have limited rights while incarcerated. But if a guard or other prison officer engages in any sexual contact with an inmate, it is considered a violation of that inmate's civil rights. Yes,

It is illegal for a correctional officer to have any sexual contact whatsoever with an inmate.

If this happened to you or someone you love, we can help.

Fill out the FREE 1 minute survey to see if you qualify
woman testifying under oath

Don't Wait!

This type of horrific sexual abuse happens every day.

Correctional officers and other prison staff who are in positions of power continue to abuse their authority while inmates are left to suffer horrific sexual abuse that causes significant damage to its survivors - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Despite tremendous efforts to fight back against this horrific abuse, women have been silenced and marginalized, time and time again... until now.

Don't delay - you only have until November 2023 to file a claim!

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Adult Survivor's Act

The NY Adult Survivor's Act, signed on May 24, 2022 amends the state's statute of limitations for civil actions based on certain sexual abuses to adult survivors.

This means there is now a one-year lookback window for sexual assault survivors.

Don't delay - you only have until November 2023 to file a claim!

Our attorneys are fighting back on behalf of female inmates who were sexually abused or assaulted by a correctional officer or other staff while held at any NY correctional facility.

See if you qualify
new york state house

Start Today

If you are a female who was incarcerated or otherwise detained at a NY Correctional Facility and were coerced, physically forced, or otherwise engaged in sexual activities with any correctional officers or other prison officials, even if you were a willing participant, you may be eligible to file a claim.

Female inmates who were sexually abused while incarcerated in NY correctional facilities, your time is now!

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Our Attorneys Can Help You Fight Back against the Injustice of the U.S. Justice System

Fill out our free claim review form now to see if you may qualify to file a claim.

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